A year ago this January 14, I started my blog. So for my 'blogversary', I decided to celebrate the whole month of January, and do something for others. My family and I are going on vacation in February and as I was making plans for that, the Lord showed me that St. Jude Hospital was right on our way and He laid on my heart to do what I love and make cards for the patients there! I felt a little overwhelmed at first, because they see about 200 patients a day, but I soon felt that the Lord will provide the cards. I believe if we all pull together, we can make this happen. It is so sad to think of all the sick children there. So I am hoping that it will bring a smile to their face and a little more love in their hearts, when they receive their card on Valentine's Day. My family and I will be dropping off all of the cards to St. Jude Hospital in Tennessee, so please send them to me at the address below.
I think this is such a good idea. I mean who among us doesn't love receiving love notes. Plus even though I have never had to use St. Judes services and hope never to, I do know someone who has. So for Cole and any other kid that has had to go there I have decided to make some cards to send to Winter. Fact last night I made two.
Here are some more details.
Here are some of the guidelines from St. Jude hospital and a few of mine.
* Cards need to be a Valentine theme.
* Cards can't have anything about 'Get Well Soon', 'Feel Better', or anything reminding them of being sick. (Only Valentine Cards)
* Please make cards that can be used for any gender or age. (This could be a little tricky, but I think you can handle it!)
* Cards must be able to fit into a 4 1/2 X 5 3/4 envelope. (I will provide clear envelopes for each card, so there is no need to send one with your card.)
* Please send all cards to me at:
Winter Sims
Cards for St. Jude
P.O. Box 754
Warren, TX 77664
* You can include a message in the inside, but please remember, nothing reminding them of being sick. (Maybe just a Valentine sentiment.) You can also sign your name and where you are from.
* I will be excepting cards for the whole month of January. At the end of the month, I will pick random winners for prizes. I will be adding more prizes, often. The more cards you send, the more times your name goes into the drawing. Let your kids get involved too!
* Please send a piece of paper with your name, address, email address, and the amount of cards you sent. (It will help, when I have the drawing.)
If you would like another little incentive. For ever card design you make and put in the Croppin Paradise gallery your name will be put in a drawing for a GC. How sweet is that. I can't wait to see your cards!
you are wonderful!! that's all i can say!! i'll be making some cards, too - and i'll actually be driving to memphis on Valentine's Day!!
WOW! It is just amazing to me that so many people want to help with the card drive! I had chills the whole time I read your post, I know alot of it was my words, but it is just amazing to see the 'LOVE' spreading everywhere on blog land! :) Thank you so much for helping!
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