See when Trey decided he wanted to move from Houston he put two places on the table. Birmingham because this is where he went to collage and had connections or Colorado because his sister lived there at the time. Well I decided after living in Houston all my life Colorado would be too much of a dramatic change for me so I went with Birmingham. Plus he sweetened the deal by telling me his friend's wife was a scrapbooker. Anyways, but now I am sitting here in Birmingham where for the past week I have woken up to 32 degrees or lower temps. I didn't sign up for this. Or at least it wouldn't be so bad if we had some snow to show for it. Although I guess I should be grateful for 18 degrees vs -50 like I heard it was in Minnesota or somewhere up there. And to think it is only the beginning of January so it can still possibly get colder!
Well I guess while I am cooped up inside is I get to scrap more. And what better thing to scrap then snow pictures right?
Stay warm!
great layout! when do we get to see some croppin' paradise layouts??
I love the layout!! That circle design is fabulous.
I am excited to be working with your over at Croppin' Paradise!
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