We have all heard of White Christmas but have you heard of its nasty cousin, Ice Christmas? People hate when it comes to town and most even try to avoid it. But oh no not us Posey's.
Trey to surprise his parents on Christmas day. Figured we would show up at his Memaw's house where everyone would be Christmas morning. In theory it was a great idea. The only problem was it snowed and some melted before it froze, the night before. His sister, the only one who knew about the plan, was telling us to be careful because it was bad. Said it took her 4 hours to drive what should have taken 45 min the night before. We get to Garland and start seeing some patches of snow and some frozen puddles but nothing major yet. But within a couple of miles we start seeing ice on the bridges. Trey of course starts slowing down in those areas. Well on one particle bridge we were in the far
left lane and slowed down, but the car in front of decided to slow down to like 5 miles an hour. Here is the dilemma because one knows that you are not to brake on ice so he attempts to change lanes. This proves to be a bad idea too. For what else is a truck with no weight in the back suppose to do but skid around on the ice. All I remember is it was all in slow motion, the truck proceeded to turn perpendicular across traffic and go straight to the barrier, not before hitting that slow car on its way. Our airbags went off and everything. Fortunately everyone, including the other driver was okay. A fireman who happened to be driving by stopped to help us and told us that if our vehicles could move to move, for within 2 min. of our accident some idiot was going like 80 mph on that same bridges and slammed into someone else. The fireman was like exchange info and leave because this was a very dangerous spot. So they do and we leave, broken truck and all. After all we still have people to surprise, right.
We keep on going and the farther north we go the worse the ice gets. It is just caked on the roads. But we almost make to our destination without any problems.
Almost. We were maybe less then two miles from Heather's house when we wind up in a ditch. That right accident #2. And this time it was nothing Trey did, just luck, or lack there of, and physics I guess. He was driving slow down this back country road when the bed of the truck decides it is tired of being behind so it swings around and spins us backward in a ditch. At this point, Trey is cursing this trip to no end. He is frustrated and tired and we are stuck. Luckily this man with a big dully truck pulls us out and we continue are journey and make it to Heather's house. We are all grateful to be out of the truck and off the ice. Later when the ice melted some went to his Memaw's and surprised everyone at the Ponder house. Made our debacle of a morning almost worth it.
On Monday he took the truck to the shop hoping it could get fixed but we found out Tuesday on the way to Houston it was totaled. That was just more insult to injury because even after insurance pay out we will still owe. Now we have to figure out what we are to do about a vehicle. Trey is swearing at this point that he is never coming back. I am more forgiving of course, would love to back next month if I could. I will leave you with some fun snow pictures to show that this trip wasn't a total bust.