Tuesday, June 16, 2009


There are few things I could not live with out and one of those things is cereal. I swear given the chance I would eat it three times a day. I don't know why, I guess it is my comfort food. And there is really only three that I really like. Cap'n Crunch, my favorite, Malt O Meal Cinnamon Toasters and Honey Bunches of Oats. I will go through phases with all three. Now of course I eat others, depending on what child I am with or what is on sale at Publix. Another thing that is a must have for cereal is whole milk. I can not, I repeat, can not eat it with anything else. I know my hubby says that 2% or fat free is better for you and I am not arguing that fact but I refuse to eat cereal with it. You can always tell who bought the milk by what kind it it. Although sometimes I do please him and buy a gallon of fat free for him and the boys but you will also see a half gallon of whole milk hiding in the back of the fridge just for me.

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