If I had energy left I would be jumping up for joy. See I have been training for a 5k in October. It is a race to raise money for breast cancer. There are two main reasons I want to do this. The first, to just start running again and get back in some form of shape. But the main, main reason is for my MIL. About three years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was in Wales at the time so I never saw her and even though I heard about what she was going through I don't think I really still grasped how hard, stressful, scary, painful this all was for her. And seeing as she was far away there was nothing I could really do. So I figure me going out in this hot sun, torturing my legs is a small way I can help out. Not only for her but for my mother as well, who seeing as she is a woman could go through this, although lets pray not. Good news though, you will be happy to know that my MIL is at this point a breast cancer SURVIVOR! Praise the Lord for that!
Now the reason I was so excited was the fact that today I was able to run a whole mile with out stopping! Yay me! Hopefully by the end of next month I will be able to do all 3 point whatever miles. I also just need to go ahead and hurry up and sign up on this team,
Running with Scissors. I mean if I am going to be going out there and dragging myself across 3 miles I might as well do it with a bunch of friends, right? So who else wants to join me?
And now for you visual enjoyment, for those who are still reading, here are a couple of layouts I have done. Just two of a whole list of things the boys have done this summer.

Have a great night!