That's right, it's back to school time! Just one more week and Isaiah will be starting the fifth grade. That is crazy! I still remember his first day of pre-k. He was content with the whole situation until I left, then I hear him screaming bloody murder as I walk out the door. And now he doesn't even want me to take him on the first day, he would rather ride the bus. I mean seriously how is a mother suppose to cope with these things.
So this weekend is Alabama tax free weekend. Anybody going to go out and hit the sales? I have to work so no shopping for me or at least no all-day-shop-till-you-drop-athon which is good seeing as I don't have money. I am just glad I don't work at Walmart or Target or any store in the mall. Bless them folks is all I have to say. Yes we will be busy but most people don't just automatically think office supply store for back to school shopping so we are spared the massive crowds. Well that is all for now. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week.
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