So it's about that time again. When I rush the kids off to bed so that I can watch my shows, uninterrupted. Even though I am hooked to several shows, thanks to my dvr, there is only one I am really looking forward to.
Smallville. Yep, you heard, er, read right. Me, a 27 year old mother of two, love, love to watch this show.

One, because I have watched since season one and I am now nine years invested. Two, because hubs #2 (if the need should ever arise :)) is on the show. I just love Tom Welling! I mean seriously have you seen the man.

What I really love about him is the fact that he is a very private person. I mean he literally avoids the lime light when ever possible. In turn, it makes him more mysterious, which just makes him more irresistible.
But there are other more grown up shows I love to watch. There is CSI, all of them, Private Practice and Grey's. I haven't decide if there are any new shows that I want to add to my list. I mean I struggle as is is keeping up with these shows. But there are three shows that are sparking my interest. Trauma, Cougar Town and the Vampire Diaries. But we'll see how the schedule plays out and how much homework Isaiah gets. Well I hope everyone has a great night!
*For the record Trey has his crush too, Mandy Moore, so it even.*